We are here to take care of your car concerns.
Be it car evacuation, wheel pumping or any other car repair, we are here for you to help in the best way possible.

Car Evacuation
Hassles like your car stopping in the middle of the highway could put you in a quick trouble especially when you are facing it for the first time. The right service and help is important at this stage.
The crew at Oakland are accessible 24/7, quick, reliable, well trained, customer-oriented and friendly. You are in for the best customer experience and guidance with Oakland when it comes to such situations.
Wheel Pumping
Having a sudden flat tire could literally spoil your day's plan and if you are looking to change the tires, the right and original ones of the best quality are crucial.
Whether it be 12” tire of a compact sedan or a super single from the road tractor, our tire changes have got your covered for everything and offer the best of assistance on your concerns.

Car Repair
Car repair could be a puzzle to solve since most of the car owners are not experts on their working and there are chances of being misled leading to money spent with no solution.
The technicians at Oakland are certified, well-trained, trustworthy and work with a consultative approach to give your car the best of treatment and aid you with the best of service.